About Dawn

I love funny movies

my husband and kids are my everything 

I listen to everything from Surgarland to Limp Bizkit

My favorite food is chicken

I'm a sucker for Timmies coffee

My absolute favorite color is pink 

I am the BIGGEST fan of Dr. Suess 

and I cry a lot lol! :)


Easy! I know how to rock my camera. I love my job, which means I treat every client like 


I don't over book myself so each and every client has my undivided attention. I truly 

believe that every moment I photograph can only come once, so I take it seriously, but have 

fun doing it! I have years of clients that won't go to anyone else, because my images are 

worth your time and money. 

To book an appointment:

780-352-2271 | dawnchachula@hotmail.com